The story of ‘Madam Dokrak’, a sinner who wears a mask of merit floating in society for obtaining honor Good fortune, praise and benefits that satisfy their lust Even at the cost of the humiliation of the lives of others that he raised. One of them was ‘Bai Sri’, a young woman who could not speak. and the deaf that Mr. Bought for seven hundred baht. as a toy for a mentally retarded son Baisri had to live as if she had gone to hell alive in the ‘Boon House’ of a millionaire with a mobile phone.
and later Mrs. Dok Rak instead had to fight with ‘Bai Boon’, her niece who refused to bow down to Boon Nai Khun. Someone with a raw, black heart like her. She was born to be the voice for her mother. demanding to restore the justice and human dignity of the trampled mother oppressed all his life until it erupted into a big war in the family