Pesakakam Krupet
Pesakakam Krupet
Rating 10

Pesakakam Krupet

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Pesakakam Krupet, បេសកកម្មគ្រូពេទ្យ
Network: Studio: Released: Jan 10, 2024 Duration: 45 Min. Season: Country: Type: Episodes: 33 Director: , Casts: , , , , , Posted by: Fanta Tech Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Pesakakam Krupet

Khunkhao, a plague doctor who works for the cause without expecting fame, while Jenjira, a young reporter for a famous page, has to increase her ratings by exposing Khunkhao’s work. causing the two to have to fight together to work together Especially the investigation into the latest deadly epidemic. which is not only dangerous and will destroy the lives of many people if they cannot stop it. The couple also discovered the truth about their past that had hurt their family.

Under the supervision of a team of all departments who are closely guarding safety. Let’s just say that you have to follow and root for the dedication of the gypsy girls in this scene.

When a deadly infectious disease resembling the Ebola virus ravages a small village, a team of epidemiologists led by Doctor Khunkhao races against time to investigate the source of the outbreak and contain the spread.

Gallery Pesakakam Krupet


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